.. _fwflag_p_correction: ============== --p_correction ============== Switch ====== --p_correction Description =========== Specifies a p-value correction method (for multiple comparisons) in correlation other than Bonferroni (which is turned off with --no_bonferroni) Argument and Default Value ========================== Argument: method to use Details ======= Possible values include: simes, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr, none simes is built into featureWorker; anything else calls R's stats module, specifically the p_adjust command Other Switches ============== Required Switches: :doc:`fwflag_no_bonferroni` :doc:`fwflag_correlate` Optional Switches: None Example Commands ================ .. code:doc:`fwflag_block`:: python