.. _fwflag_colabify: =========== --colabify =========== Switch ====== --colabify Description =========== Flag that facilitates DLATK support to Google Colab by running a post-installation script. Argument and Default Value ========================== None Details ======= This flag is required when DLATK is used in Google Colab. When used, dlatkInterface.py checks if it's a Colab environment and calls a post-installation script at {DLATK_PATH}/colabify.sh. However, it's important to use it before any further DLATK commands, and also without any other flags. Currently, it installs - * Python 3.6 * MySQL 5.7 (imports `dlatk_lexica` and `dla_tutorial`) * Mallet Other Switches ============== Required Switches: None Example Commands ================ .. code-block:: bash dlatkInterface.py --colabify