.. _fwflag_cohens_d: ========== --cohens_d ========== Switch ====== --cohens_d Description =========== Uses Cohen's D for effect size and logistic regression for significance. Best for binary outcomes. Argument and Default Value ========================== None Details ======= Note: you cannot compare coefficients in Logistic regression so one alternative is to use Cohen's D. This automatically turns on the :doc:`fwflag_logistic_reg` flag so no need to use it. Other Switches ============== Required Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_d`, :doc:`fwflag_t`, :doc:`fwflag_c` * :doc:`fwflag_f` * :doc:`fwflag_outcome_table`, :doc:`fwflag_outcomes` Optional Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_interaction_ddla` * :doc:`fwflag_correlate` * :doc:`fwflag_rmatrix` * :doc:`fwflag_tagcloud` * :doc:`fwflag_topic_tagcloud` * :doc:`fwflag_make_wordclouds` * :doc:`fwflag_make_topic_wordclouds` Example Commands ================ .. code-block:: bash dlatkInterface.py -d dla_tutorial -t msgs -c user_id \ -f 'feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs$user_id$1gra' \ --outcome_table blog_outcomes --group_freq_thresh 500 \ --outcomes gender --output_name gender_correlates_logistic_d \ --topic_tagcloud --make_topic_wordcloud --topic_lexicon met_a30_2000_freq_t50ll \ --tagcloud_colorscheme bluered \ --cohens_d