.. _fwflag_c: == -g == Switch ====== -g, --group, --group_by_field, -c, --correl_field, Description =========== MySQL column name which identifies the level of aggregation for your document. Argument and Default Value ========================== Name of the table column Details ======= This field specifies which MySQL column will be used to identify "documents", i.e. the "unit" of analysis of your command. If you’re looking to analyze the language of a Twitter user, :doc:`fwflag_c` will be something like user_id, whereas if you’re looking to analyze/extract features at a message level, :doc:`fwflag_c` should be something like message_id. This has to be a column in the message table (:doc:`fwflag_t`) and (if that’s what you’re doing) a column in the :doc:`fwflag_outcome_table`.