.. _fwflag_blacklist: =========== --blacklist =========== Switch ====== --blacklist Description =========== Switch to enable blacklisting of features in correlation-type analyses. Argument and Default Value ========================== None Details ======= Requires :doc:`fwflag_feat_blacklist`. Argument of that switch gives either feature table as a blacklist (distinct features of that table) or arguments are a list of features to blacklist. See also whitelist and feat_whitelist Other Switches ============== Required Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_feat_blacklist` Optional Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_loessplot` * :doc:`fwflag_correlate` * :doc:`fwflag_combo_rmatrix` * :doc:`fwflag_multir` * :doc:`fwflag_interaction_ddla` Example Commands ================ .. code-block:: bash dlatkInterface.py -d tester7 -t statuses_er1 -c study_code -f 'feat$p_ridg_lbp_oceangft500$statuses_er1$study_code' --group_freq_thresh 0 --outcome_table outcomesFinal --outcomes DEPRESSION DM_UNCOMP EATING_DIS GI_SXS PREGNANCY PSYCHOSES STI --outcome_controls sex_int isBlack isWhite isHispanic ageTercile0 ageTercile1 ageTercile2 --correlate --rmatrix --blacklist --feat_blacklist agr con --output_name ./output