.. _fwflag_all_controls_only: =================== --all_controls_only =================== Switch ====== --all_controls_only Description =========== Works similarly to --control_combo_sizes, but tells the classification or regression predictor to only train using all controls, so giving this switch is equivalent to .. code-block:: bash --control_combo_sizes N where N is the number of controls specified with --outcome_controls. Argument and Default Value ========================== None Details ======= Other Switches ============== Required Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_outcome_controls` * One of these: :doc:`fwflag_combo_test_classifiers` OR :doc:`fwflag_combo_test_regression` Optional Switches: * None Example Commands ================ .. code-block:: bash # Only runs including all controls (and no controls, which is done by default): dlatkInterface.py -d tester7 -t statuses_er1 -c study_code --group_freq_thresh 500 -f 'feat$cat_statuses_er1_cp_w$statuses_er1$study_code$16to16' --outcome_table outcomesFinal_femOnly --outcomes PREGNANCY --controls isWhite isBlack isHispanic ageTercile0 ageTercile1 ageTercile2 age --combo_test_classif --all_controls_only --model lr --folds 10 --csv --output_name ./output