.. _fwflag_add_lda_messages: ================== --add_lda_messages ================== Switch ====== --add_lda_messages Description =========== Add lda topic version of message table. Argument and Default Value ========================== Arguement: LDA_TABLE. There is no default value. Details ======= A tokenized message table TOK_TABLE is specified with the :doc:`fwflag_t` switch. --add_lda_messages then creates the table TOK_TABLE_lda$LDA_TABLE, which has the same structure as TOK_TABLE. Other Switches ============== Required Switches: * :doc:`fwflag_d` * :doc:`fwflag_t` Example Commands ================ .. code-block:: python # Creates the table twt_20mil_tok_lda$twt_topics dlatkInterface.py -d twitterGH -t twt_20mil_tok --add_lda_messages twt_topics The table twt_20mil_tok_lda$twt_topics has the same structure as twt_20mil_tok except for the message column. An example of how this column is changed: * Message in twt_20mil_tok: ["is", "a", "book"] * Message in twt_20mil_tok_lda$twt_topics: [{"index": "0", "term": "book", "doc": "1", "topic_id": "701", "term_id": "5", "message_id": "128679866827677696"}] In the above command, twt_20mil_tok was created from twt_20mil using :doc:`fwflag_add_tokenized` and the file twt_topics was created addMessageID.py, as in the following two commands: .. code-block:: python dlatkInterface.py -d twitterGH -t twt_20mil -c id --add_tokenized # this creates twt_20mil_tok dlatk/addMessageID.py twt_20mil.txt twt_20mil_state.gz > twt_topics :doc:`../tutorials/tut_lda`